
Specifically, marriage of Israeli Jews must be conducted according to Jewish Law halakha , as viewed by Orthodox Judaism. One consequence is that Jews in Israel who cannot marry according to Jewish law e.

This has led for calls, mostly from the secular segment of the Israeli public, for the institution of civil marriage. Some secular-Jewish Israelis travel abroad to have civil marriages , either because they do not wish an Orthodox wedding or because their union cannot be sanctioned by halakha. These marriages are legally recognized by the State, but are not recognized by the State Rabbinate. Marriages performed in Israel must be carried out by religious authorities of an official religion Judaism, Islam, Christianity, or Druse , unless both parties are without religion. Halakha Jewish law allows for divorce.

The document of divorce is termed a get. The final divorce ceremony involves the husband giving the get document into the hand of the wife or her agent, but the wife may sue in rabbinical court to initiate the divorce.

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In such a case, a husband may be compelled to give the get , if he has violated any of his numerous obligations; [ which? In this case, the wife may or may not be entitled to a payment.

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Since around the 12th century, Judaism recognized the right of a wife abused physically or psychologically to a divorce. Conservative Judaism follows halacha, though differently than Orthodox Judaism. Reform Jews usually use an egalitarian form of the Ketubah at their weddings.

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They generally do not issue Jewish divorces, seeing a civil divorce as both necessary and sufficient; however, some Reform rabbis encourage the couple to go through a Jewish divorce procedure. Orthodox Judaism does not recognize civil law as overriding religious law, and thus does not view a civil divorce as sufficient. Therefore, a man or woman may be considered divorced by the Reform Jewish community, but still married by the Conservative community. Orthodox Judaism usually does not recognize Reform weddings because according to Talmudic law, the witnesses to the marriage must be Jews who observe halacha, which is seldom the case in reform weddings.

Traditionally, when a husband fled, or his whereabouts were unknown for any reason, the woman was considered an agunah literally "an anchored woman" , and was not allowed to remarry; in traditional Judaism, divorce can only be initiated by the husband. Prior to modern communication, the death of the husband while in a distant land was a common cause of this situation.

In modern times, when a husband refuses to issue a get due to money, property, or custody battles, the woman who cannot remarry is considered a Michuseres Get, not an agunah. A man in this situation would not be termed a Misarev Get literally, "a refuser of a divorce document" , unless a legitimate Beis Din had required him to issue a Get.

The term agunah is often used in such circumstances, but it is not technically accurate. Within both the Conservative and Orthodox communities, there are efforts to avoid situations where a woman is not able to obtain a Jewish divorce from her husband. The ketubah serves this function in Conservative Judaism in order to prevent husbands from refusing to give their wives a divorce.

To do this, the ketubah has built in provisions; so, if predetermined circumstances occur, the divorce goes into effect immediately. None of the legal solutions addresses the agunah problem in the case of a missing husband. The Midrash is one of the few ancient religious texts that makes reference to same-sex marriage. The following teaching can be found twice in the Midrash:. Another important reference is found in the Babylonian Talmud :. Bnei Noach, the progeny of Noah] accepted upon themselves thirty mitzvot [divinely ordered laws], but they only abide by three of them: The first one is that they do not write marriage documents for male couples, the second one is that they do not sell dead [human] meat by the pound in stores, and the third one is that they respect the Torah.

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Orthodox Judaism does not have a Jewish legal construct of same-gender marriage. While any two Jewish adults may be joined by a Jewish legal contract, the rites of kiddushin are reserved for a union of a man and woman. Orthodox Judaism does not recognize civil marriages to have theological legal standing, be they civil marriages between male and female, or between two adults of the same gender. In June , the American branch of Conservative Judaism formally approved same-sex marriage ceremonies in a 13—0 vote with one abstention.

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In , the Central Conference of American Rabbis passed a resolution approving same-sex civil marriage. However, this same resolution made a distinction between civil marriages and religious marriages; this resolution thus stated:. In , an ad hoc CCAR committee on human sexuality issued its majority report 11 to 1, 1 abstention which stated that the holiness within a Jewish marriage "may be present in committed same gender relationships between two Jews and that these relationships can serve as the foundation of stable Jewish families, thus adding strength to the Jewish community.

Also in , the Responsa Committee of the CCAR issued a lengthy teshuvah rabbinical opinion [87] that offered detailed argumentation in support of both sides of the question whether a rabbi may officiate at a commitment ceremony for a same-sex couple. In March , CCAR issued a new resolution stating that "We do hereby resolve that the relationship of a Jewish, same gender couple is worthy of affirmation through appropriate Jewish ritual, and further resolve, that we recognize the diversity of opinions within our ranks on this issue. We support the decision of those who choose to officiate at rituals of union for same-sex couples, and we support the decision of those who do not.

The Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association RRA encourages its members to officiate at same-sex marriages, though it does not require it of them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Perspectives of Judaism regarding marriage. Important figures. Religious roles. Culture and education. Ritual objects. Major holidays.

Jewish views on marriage

Other religions. Related topics. Main article: Shalom bayit. Main article: Niddah. Main article: Interfaith marriage in Judaism. See also: Marriage in Israel. Main article: Agunah. See also: Homosexuality and Judaism. Judaism portal. In Singer, Isidore ; et al. The Jewish Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on Retrieved Fox News. William Horbury; John Sturdy eds. Cambridge University Press. ISBN Their answer to the problem of sexual desire centered on advocating early marriage.

For Babylonian rabbis, the primary goal of marriage meant channeling and controlling male sexuality.

Jewish History. ISSN X. JSTOR S2CID Retrieved 5 February Associated Press. Archived from the original on December 17, Marital life in Judaism.

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Childbirth Dam betulim Niddah. Hefsek taharah Mikveh Tvilah. Agunah Get Heter meah rabbanim. Women in Judaism. Jewish feminism Orthodox Israeli Mizrahi. Тем не менее многие саньясины и посетители были заинтересованы в участии в захватывающем для них эксперименте [75]. В этом смысле они были воодушевлены словами Бхагвана: «Мы экспериментируем здесь со всеми способами, которые дают возможность исцелять человеческое сознание и обогащают человека» [75].

Типичный день в ашраме начинался в 6 часов утра с одного часа динамической медитации. В 8 часов Бхагван проводил публичную лекцию в так называемом «Будда-Холле» [75] [80]. До года серии лекций на хинди чередовались с сериями на английском языке. Многие из этих лекций представляли собой спонтанные комментарии на тексты из различных духовных традиций или были ответами на вопросы посетителей и учеников [75].

Беседы были приправлены шутками, анекдотами и провокационными замечаниями, которые постоянно вызывали вспышки веселья у его преданной аудитории [81]. В течение дня проходили различные медитации, такие как «медитация кундалини », «медитация натарадж » и терапии, высокая интенсивность которых приписывалась духовной энергии, «полю будды» Бхагвана [81].