It has been claimed that "Cabildo Abierto" was the largest public display of support in history for a female political figure. She declined the invitation to run for vice-president. She said her only ambition was that in the large chapter of history to be written about her husband, the footnotes would mention a woman who brought the " In Peronist rhetoric, this event has come to be referred to as "The Renunciation", portraying Evita as having been a selfless woman in line with the Hispanic myth of marianismo.
Evita was by this point so ill that she was unable to stand without support. Underneath her oversized fur coat was a frame made of plaster and wire that allowed her to stand. She took a triple dose of pain medication before the parade, and took another two doses when she returned home.
On 9 January , Evita fainted in public and underwent surgery three days later. Although it was reported that she had undergone an appendectomy , she was, in fact, diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer.
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By , it had become evident that her health was rapidly deteriorating. Although her diagnosis was withheld from her by Juan, [52] she knew she was not well, and a bid for the vice-presidency was not practical. Only a few months after "the Renunciation", Evita secretly underwent a radical hysterectomy , performed by the American surgeon George T. Pack , [53] of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center , in an attempt to eradicate her advanced cervical cancer. Daniel E. She became emaciated , weighing only 36 kg 79 lb; 5 st 9 lb by June Business across the country was put to a halt as movies were stopped and patrons were asked to leave restaurants.
Четверг, 19 января
The crowd outside of the presidential residence, where Evita died, grew dense, congesting the streets for ten blocks in each direction. In the following 24 hours, over 2, people were treated in city hospitals for injuries sustained in the rush to be near Evita as her body was being transported, and thousands more were treated on the spot. The streets of Buenos Aires overflowed with huge piles of flowers. Flowers were flown in from all over the country, and as far away as Chile. On Saturday, 9 August, the body was transferred to the Congress Building for an additional day of public viewing, and a memorial service attended by the entire Argentine legislative body.
The next day, after a final Mass, the coffin was laid on a gun carriage pulled by CGT officials. Flowers were thrown from balconies and windows.
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Some reporters viewed the mourning as authentic, others saw a public succumbing to another of the "passion plays" of the Peronist regime. Time magazine reported that the Peronist government enforced the observance of a daily period of five minutes of mourning following a daily radio announcement. Biographer Julie M. Taylor, professor of anthropology at Rice University , [66] has said that Evita was well aware of the pain of being born "illegitimate. After becoming the first lady in , Evita had her birth records altered to read that she had been born to married parents, and placed her birth date three years later, making herself younger.
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The monument, which was to be a statue of a man representing the descamisados , was projected to be larger than the Statue of Liberty. Following his flight, a military dictatorship took power. From until , the military dictatorship of Argentina issued a ban on Peronism. It appeared that her body had been damaged during its transport and storage, such as compressions to her face and disfigurement of one of her feet due to the body having been left in an upright position.
Many primary and secondary references to his novel have inaccurately stated that her body had been defiled in some way resulting in the widespread belief in this myth. Juan and his third wife, Isabel, decided to keep the corpse in their dining room on a platform near the table.
That year the terrorist group Montoneros stole the corpse of Pedro Eugenio Aramburu , whom they had also previously kidnapped and assassinated.

Under that compartment is a second trapdoor and a second compartment. In all of Latin America, only one other woman has aroused an emotion, devotion, and faith comparable to those awakened by the Virgin of Guadalupe. In many homes, the image of Evita is on the wall next to the Virgin. Che as well as Evita symbolize certain naive, but effective, beliefs: the hope for a better world; a life sacrificed on the altar of the disinherited, the humiliated, the poor of the earth.
They are myths which somehow reproduce the image of Christ". Cristina Kirchner , the first elected female president in Argentine history, is a Peronist who has occasionally been referred to as "The New Evita. Kirchner also says that women of her generation, who came of age in the s during the military dictatorships in Argentina, owe a debt to Evita for offering an example of passion and combativeness. Taylor claims that Evita has remained important in Argentina due to the combination of three unique factors:.
In the images examined, the three elements consistently linked— femininity , mystical or spirituality power, and revolutionary leadership—display an underlying common theme. Identification with any one of these elements puts a person or a group at the margins of established society and at the limits of institutional authority. Anyone who can identify with all three images lays an overwhelming and echoing claim to dominance through forces that recognize no control in society or its rules.
Only a woman can embody all three elements of this power. To some extent her continuing importance and popularity may be attributed not only to her power as a woman but also to the power of the dead. Women and the dead—death and womanhood—stand in similar relation to structured social forms: outside public institutions, unlimited by official rules, and beyond formal categories. She was by any standard a very extraordinary woman; when you think of Argentina and indeed Latin America as a men-dominated part of the world, there was this woman who was playing a very great role.
And of course she aroused very different feelings in the people with whom she lived. The oligarchs, as she called the well-to-do and privileged people, hated her.
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They looked upon her as a ruthless woman. The masses of the people on the other hand worshipped her. They looked upon her as a lady bountiful who was dispensing Manna from heaven. In , two giant murals of Evita were unveiled on the building facades of the current Ministry of Social Development, located on 9 de Julio Avenue.
The works were painted by Argentine artist Alejandro Marmo.
The controversial effigy of Julio Argentino Roca was replaced by that of Eva Duarte, making her the first actual woman to be featured on the currency of Argentina. The image in the notes is based on a design, whose sketch was found in the Mint, made by the engraver Sergio Pilosio with artist Roger Pfund. The printing totals 20 million notes; it is not clear whether the government will replace the notes that feature Roca and the Conquest of the Desert. By , Franco had become politically isolated as one of the few remaining fascists to retain power.
Franco, therefore, was in desperate need of a political ally. Commenting on the international perception of Evita during her European tour, Fraser and Navarro write, "It was inevitable that Evita be viewed in a fascist context. Laurence Levine, the former president of the U. Crassweller writes, "Peronism was not fascism", and "Peronism was not Nazism. Ambassador George S. While visiting Argentina in , Messersmith made the following statement: "There is not as much social discrimination against Jews here as there is right in New York or in most places at home.
He wrote that the allegations were untrue:. She was not a fascist—ignorant, perhaps, of what that ideology meant. And she was not greedy. Though she liked jewelry, furs and Dior dresses, she could own as many as she desired without the need to rob others Around the pamphleteer Silvano Santander employed the same strategy to concoct letters in which Evita figures as an accomplice of the Nazis. But Evita played no part.
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Additionally, because the Peronist regime allowed rival political parties to exist, it cannot be described as totalitarian. As early as , the musical was considered as the basis for a movie. After a nearly year production delay, Madonna was cast in the title role for the film version and won the Golden Globe Award for "Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy. The Argentine production starred actress Esther Goris in the title role.
Nicholas Fraser writes that Evita is the perfect popular culture icon for our times because her career foreshadowed what, by the late 20th century, had become common. Her detractors in Argentina had often accused Evita of turning public political life into show business. But by the late 20th century, Fraser claims, the public had become engrossed in the cult of celebrity and public political life had become insignificant.
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In this regard, Evita was perhaps ahead of her time. Eva Peron appears on the peso note first issued in and scheduled for replacement sometime in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Eva Peron. Argentine actress and politician. Spiritual Leader of the Nation. Part of a series on the. Indigenous peoples in Argentina Inca Empire. Colonial Argentina. Civil Wars. Rise of Argentine Republic. Post-WW II to National Reorganization Process.
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